
Silver Spring Networks在毛伊岛开展智能电网项目

  【原文】Smart grid Hawaiian style: Silver Spring Networks heads to Maui

  We told you last week about the second collaboration between Japan and the U.S. on smart grid demonstration projects on the Hawaiian island of Maui in the last several months.

  Today, smart grid networking platform and solutions provider Silver Spring Networks (SSN) announced it has been named to work with Maui Electric Company (MECO) and the Hawaii National Energy Institute (HNEI) on yet another smart grid project on the island.

  This time, the project will test smart grid technologies to help MECO and its customers reach and surpass the state's goal of providing 70% of its energy needs with clean technology by 2030.

  While similar to the previously announced projects, this one has a somewhat different focus. The project will evaluate the effectiveness of smart grid technologies in integrating renewable energy, cut increasing costs, improve management of growing peak demand, operate the grid more effectively and fix power outages more quickly and safely.

  But in this project, residents will be asked to volunteer to participate by evaluating and monitoring their energy use on an energy management web portal and in-home appliances such as smart thermostats that will be made available for their use.

  SSN is working closely with MECO and HNEI on the customer engagement and education component of the project. SSN also brings its Smart Energy Platform, which includes CustomerIQ, the company's web-based energy management portal, advanced metering, demand response and distribution automation solutions.

  "This deployment shows a serious commitment to integrating renewable energy, changing the relationship with MECO's customers and providing Maui and Hawaii with energy independence and cleaner energy, today and in the future," said Scott Lang, chairman, president and CEO of SSN.

  "We want to add as much clean energy as possible to our stand-alone island grid as quickly as possible. So we're looking to initiatives like the Maui Smart Grid Project to help us ensure our customers continue to receive reliable service while benefiting from increased use of solar and wind power," commented Ed Reinhardt, MECO president.

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